Sunday, 12 March 2023

Whitwell Station

Whitwell, or more fully, Whitwell and Reepham Station was a Midland and Great Northern station on a line linking Melton Constable to Norwich. Post war the line was loss making and British Rail closed most of it in 1959 leaving Whitwell as a freight station only until 1964. The line itself continued to have some use but the track was finally lifted in 1985.

After some sporadic alternative use the site was finally acquired by a rail enthusiast in 2007 by which time it was mostly derelict. However, a programme of restoration then began with the station building being restored and a short run of track re-laid with associated sidings allowing for the running of trains which includes a saddle tank steam engine in the summer and a small diesel shunter on weekends out of season. Plans are in place to restore the track through the original platform with bigger plans to relay track to Lenwade, the next station, and, possibly further afield as well.

We went for a look today. It is free to enter although there is a charge for the train ride but the restored station building is interesting and the on site Sidings bar and restaurant served a reasonable Sunday lunch. The old track bed beyond the station is a popular walking route so, overall, a worthwhile destination.

Here a re a few pictures from today.


  1. I really like the photo of the tracks with the station in the background

  2. Interesting place to snap away

  3. Interesting photos and blog
